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พิพัฒน์พงศ์ มาศิริ


This study was aimed at introducing the ideology of musical identity, another form of an identity study recently emerging in the field of social science over the past two decades. Musical identity was termed as an idea developed by the identity conceptualization in connection with musical phenomena rising in the global communities. The integration between the ideas of identifying features and music led to a realization that not only did man create music for the sake of occasional entertainment, but also allow it to acquire a major role in discovering and building self. The perception of self-existence proved man’s life to be meaningful, confident, and proud to live with other community members. Musical identity connected individuals to society meanwhile individuals exhibited their musical identity to have interaction with others in the society. However, musical identity was no creation that lasted consistently. Relevant changes emerged according to the course of time and space. Musical identity was recognized once it originated, occupied, and changed over. The world at the present time was obsessed with globalization and capitalization, causing rapid changes in cultures and societies. The changes prompted people’s effort in maintaining their identities as well as creating a new identity to cope with the changing society. Technology- oriented globalization had generated musical integrations among people from different cultural backgrounds, initiating newly-blended genres or contemporary music. The rising of contemporary music allowed people to experience music differently and brought about brand new aesthetic benchmark. The contemporary music phenomena were reflecting the process of musical identity in the changing global community.

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How to Cite
มาศิริ พ. (2016). แนวคิดในการศึกษาอัตลักษณ์ทางดนตรี. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 146–165. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MFUconnexion/article/view/241360
Research article


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