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The objective of this article was to find the proper organization which would serve as the supervising organization on the aircraft noise pollution by means of comparing with those of the United States of America, England and Singapore. Such study will be done by making research and analysis from documents both in Thai and foreign languages such as laws, text books, magazines, articles, theses, websites relating to the subject matter of this research as well as various survey results.
This study found that the authority in supervising aircraft noise pollution in the United States of America, England and Singapore are vested solely in their civil aviation departments without dividing it to other organizations, due to the reason that aircraft noise pollution is a technical issue requiring the attention of the persons with particular expertise. However, in Thailand, there are several organizations involving in the aircraft noise pollution supervision, such as the Civil Aviation Department, the Pollution Controlling Department and the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP). This may cause the repetition of the exercise of authority and create confusion to the persons in charge. At the same time, lacking comprehensive technical knowledge in specific field would result in the ineffective enforcement of law.
Therefore, it is more appropriate to assign the task of supervising the aircraft noise pollution to solely one organization for the sake of effective law enforcement. In my view, the organization which is in possession of relevant expertise in this field is the Civil Aviation Department.
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