Organization Form for Managing the Facilitation of Cross Border and Transit of Trade and Transport
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The study of the organization form for managing the facilitation of cross border and transit of trade and transport was conducted by qualitative research method. The study reviewed best practices of various countries, explored policy documents, interviewed representatives in administrative and operational levels involved in cross border and transit trade and transport facilitation, and arranged workshops in Bangkok and major border provinces to get feedback on the proposed organization form that can systematically and efficiently integrate the facilitation of cross border and transit of trade and transport together. The study suggested that Thai government should establish the international trade and transport facilitation committee comprising representatives from trade and transport authorities, private sector, and chaired by prime minister. The international trade and transport facilitation committee shall be formed as the permanent organization running by permanent staffs who have sound understandings of trade and transport regulations to prepare information required to make policy decisions and able to coordinate with relevant domestic and foreign organizations to efficiently drive the facilitation of trade and transport.
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