Factors Influencing the Operation in Accordance with the National Strategy in Balancing and Developing the Management System under Good Governance Principles of Government Organizations
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The purpose of this mixed research is to study factors influencing the operation in accordance with the national strategy in balancing and developing the management system under good governance principles of government organizations are the Department of Tourism, Department of Older Persons, Department of Local Administration. The quantitative research was conducted from 306 personnel by using questionnaire and analyze the data with average, percentage, standard deviation, linear multiple regression analysis. Qualitative research Interviewed 9 department administrators, analyzed data by interpretation.
The study indicated that factors that influence the operation depend on the internal factors such as policy, mission, resources, communication within the organization, organizational structure, worker attitude Values/culture and leaders, while external factors are communication between departments, target group external environment and cooperation network. Regarding the problems and obstacles of the operation of the national strategy on balance and development of the management system under the good governance principles of the three departments, there are common problems which are insufficient personnel, personnel performance, insufficient budget, the urgency of regular intervening policies, the strength of civil society organizations, government support and technological readiness. The government must review its mission and budget accordingly prioritize work priorities while the three departments must speed up the development of new generation of personnel to have sufficient knowledge and ability to replace retired personnel. As well as all three departments must turn to use more technology to work in order to replace personnel and increase work efficiency. The important thing is to attach importance to the development of civil society organizations to be effective mechanisms to drive policy at the local level.
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