Ageing in Place vs. Ageing Relocation and the Elderly’s Behaviours

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Chawit Yonghencharoen
Dichapong Pongpattrachai


Since 2010, Thailand has entered an ageing society, with an approximation of 10 percent and above of its population aged over 60 years old. An assumption has been made that by 2030, the ageing population will increase further and Thailand will enter an era of “Ageing Society”. This has led to the preparation of seniors nursing homes to accommodate the increasing number of the elderly population. The property management model for senior housing has changed from being merely a nursing home to an alternative option for investment for retirement. Factors affecting the elderly’s decisions whether to ‘age’ at home (Ageing in Place) or to ‘age’ in nursing homes (Ageing Relocation) are based on the elderly’s own habits and attitudes towards life. A positivist case study research methodology, based on a proactive interview using a clear structured set of questions, was adopted in this research. This research found that factors affecting the decision of the elderly are physical needs, psychological needs and social needs. Whilst most elderly were satisfied with their current accommodation, those in the Ageing Relocation group are mostly childless, whereas those in the Ageing in Place group are mostly those who are attached to their children.

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How to Cite
Yonghencharoen, C., & Pongpattrachai, D. (2021). Ageing in Place vs. Ageing Relocation and the Elderly’s Behaviours. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(1), 41–50. Retrieved from
Research article


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