The Pre-depressive States: Language and Depression Subjectivity Claims of Twitter Users

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Pornchai Techa
Phongsatorn Surin


This research aims to analyze linguistic features that convey depression and depression subjectivity claims expressed by Twitter users. The primary objective is to answer key questions: (1) Which set of pre-depressive events do patients affirm as contributing factors? (2) If depressed patients seek social isolation and confront existential crisis, why do they express their subjective experience of depression on Twitter and how does such communication become necessary for their constructed avatar in the social media? The data comprised 300 textual samples, and the analytical framework was based on the Speech acts theory. The findings identified three primary categories of speech acts; representatives, expressives, and commissives. Preparatory conditions were identified preceding events, encompassing the influence exerted by individuals in the surroundings and the social norm. Furthermore, propositional and essential conditions allowed depressed patients to redefine awareness of being victimized and emotionally vulnerable. They also officially acknowledged their claims of patient subjectivity. Concurrently, within the communication process, opportunities emerged for other users to validate certain facets of the value attributed to depressed individuals, which might not be apparent in offline interactions.

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How to Cite
Techa, P., & Surin, P. (2023). The Pre-depressive States: Language and Depression Subjectivity Claims of Twitter Users. Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(1), Article ID: 263132. retrieved from
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