Educational in Thai Dramatic Arts by Ramkhamhaeng University in the Thailand 4.0 era

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nisakorn Boonlert


This article aims to synthesize the ways of educational in the Thai creative theater of Ramkhamhaeng University in the Thailand 4.0 era by integrating teaching and learning with educational technology innovation to achieve learning and have desirable characteristics. Of graduates in the future and will be used to create more effective and effective results Increasingly For the university management approach in the 4.0 era, there must be integrated teaching and learning with technological innovation with the goal of using digital media as an intermediary to link education in a systematic manner and the development of a network of cooperation Provide a national standard of quality for all students to create intellectual capital with value and achieve benefits By encouraging students to learn by themselves simply and modernly Appropriate to the interests and can apply the knowledge to practical use In line with the goal of achieving the most desired future traits that will benefit one's self Society and the nation.
Key words: Creative Education, Thai Drama Program, Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand 4.0 era

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บทความทางวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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