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Nisakorn Boonlert
Iyaresh Ngamchalam


This article presents the importance of the development of Thai Drama Program, Ramkhamhaeng University to promote this program as a high performance organization by   analyzing and synthesizing it in order to impose a ''HEI High Performance Organization Policy Recommendation". The policy recommendation consists of 1) Total quality management 2) Long-term oriented organization 3) Students-oriented organization 4) Teamwork 5) Learning organization and 6) Good Governance, which will emphasize all activities with the goal of        enhancing the competency and value of academic services to the public in the most effective way. This will be a guideline for the policy management to enhance the desired characteristics of graduates for their desired performance and personal characteristics. The graduates will have knowledge in self-development and social responsibilities for showing the desired behavior to the employers. Also, this policy recommendation can be a guideline for practical and most efficient way on achieving one's goals in Thai Drama Program, Ramkhamhaeng University, entrepreneurship, society, and country respectively.

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บทความทางวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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