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Sarawut Boonyaruksa
Sarinrat Sertpunya
Pikun Ekwarangkoon


English Language Teaching (ELT) research has been a growing arena of research interest nowadays. However, four basic English skills, e.g., listening, speaking, reading, and writing, provide a deep root in studying the English language. Moreover, reading skills have been significant for many years to facilitate English learning. The notion of integrating online media into the English reading classroom is prioritized. A needs analysis should be conducted to investigate appropriate needs for English reading course development. The present study aims to study the needs of using online media for teaching English reading, study trends in using online media for English reading, and study recommendations for improving English reading skills. Using a wide range of instruments, e.g., questionnaire, semi-structured interview, and the researcher’s diary. The results revealed that the Kahoot is needed for studying reading in General Education (GE) (mean= 4.32, S.D. = 0.73). Online media trends between 2019 and 2024, namely Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), website media, Instagram, and lastly the Kahoot. Experts’ opinion on trends were presented, including online media should be integrated into English reading to arouse learners’ interest. Reading topics should be related to learners’ ages. Google Drive, Google Classroom, online games, and Kahoot are employed for teaching reading according to experts’ views. Google Drive and Google Classroom are used to store assignments. The recommendations showed that it is advised to practice English reading regularly. Kahoot can be used to assess and reinforce their vocabulary. Utilizing online media, e.g., newspapers, websites, journals, and brochures, for English reading practice. Selecting topics of personal interest for effective English reading practice.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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