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This research aimed to 1) analyze the current state of participatory management in secondary schools based on relational trust, 2) develop an innovative model for participatory management in secondary schools using relational trust, and 3) evaluate and validate the innovation in participatory management for secondary schools with relational trust. The study employed a mixed-method approach. Quantitative research involved a sample of 405 school administrators, selected through simple random sampling, with data collected via questionnaires. Statistical analysis included frequency, mean, and standard deviation. For action research, key informants consisted of 27 individuals, including school directors, educational administrators, and experts in educational management. Data were collected through the professional learning community (PLC) process and analyzed using inductive content analysis. The findings revealed that: 1) The concept of participatory management in secondary schools with relational trust encompasses principles of school management, participatory management theories, relational trust, and brainstorming techniques to foster innovation using the SCAMPER technique. 2) The innovation development resulted in a management model integrating two core models: the UNITY Model and the SMART Model, which follow a systematic cycle of planning, implementation, monitoring, and improvement. The UNITY Model comprises five key components: unity, networking, initiative, teamwork, and outcomes. The SMART Model focuses on development through technology, sufficiency, research, ethics, and success to ensure comprehensive management and holistic school development. 3) The evaluation and validation of the innovation indicated a 96% approval rating in terms of suitability and feasibility.
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