Using Social Media Affecting Lifestyle and Social Behaviors of Generation Y in Bangkok Metropolitan, Thailand
Generation Y, Social Media Behavior, Social Media Usage Behaviours, Peer Influence, Bangkok MetropolitanAbstract
As with each generation before, Generation Y has its own unique social behaviors, life experiences, lifestyles and demographics that has an immense influence on their use of social media, behaviors that have a direct impact on today’s cosmopolitan society. Accordingly, many researchers are now studying the impact of multi-generation audiences, groups and/or consumers that consists of Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z. This Multigeneration approach is the practice of developing an understanding of the unique lifestyles and behaviors of each generation. This information development is extremely important to the marketers of social media or online communicators as this means that marketers of social media, including online communicators need to understand the similarities and differences of Generation X, Generation Y, and Generation Z. Meanwhile, the focus and purpose of this paper is to describe, in detail, the idiosyncrasies pertaining to Generation Y and affirming how the use of social media affects their lifestyles and social behaviors specifically within the Bangkok Metropolitan Precinct, plus design a key social media model in terms of strategic communication that is precisely appropriate to the lifestyles and social behaviors of Generation Y within the Bangkok Metropolitan Precinct. The results of this study are, however, limited, as it was concentrated within a married or pre-married demographic. In addition, the research does not follow the pre-research concerning demographics over time to see how lifestyles and social behaviors have changed. The researcher recommends that to maintain Generation Y’s social media usage consciousness the right lifestyle patterns and social behaviors and choice of social media literacy is required to help them generate culture creators (culture + entertainment), social codification, home and family rehabilitation, sports, outdoor and health activities and promoting quality of life for themselves. However, peer influence plays a crucial role of referencing Generation Y’s decision making on social media usage and social media literacy, also it aids in their socialization process. Therefore, marketers and social media communicators need to act strategically and ethically as influencers should hold up a window not a mirror and let Generation Y understand their own lifestyle and possession of social-media savvy behaviors in choosing what messages they wish to receive and decide quality of life for themselves.