Development Indicator Factors of Thai Engineering Graduates in Innovation: Testing Measurement Invariance by Low and High Level of Innovation Work Experience


  • Maytinee Teabrat Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • Arunee Hongsiriwat Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • Pakpachong Vadhanasindhu Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • Sukree Sinthupinyo Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand


Development Indicator Factors, Innovation, Competency, Engineering Graduates


The purpose of this research was 1) to develop competency factor indicators of Thai engineering graduates in innovation 2) to validate competency factor indicators model of Thai engineering graduates in innovation 3) to test the invariance of the model of competency factor indicators of Thai engineering graduates in innovation had invariance between groups of low and high level of innovation work experience. The participants of this research were 305 engineering graduates who works in variety occupations of companies. The research tool is the questionnaires surveyed via E-mail with the reliability of 0.934. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, the Pearson’s correlation Coefficient and testing hypotheses by using SEM analysis and multiple group structural equation model analysis by Mplus program. The research results found that 1. competency factor indicators of Thai engineering graduates in innovation consisted of two factors, namely general competency and specific competency to research. The general competency factor consisted of 11 indicators. The specific competency conducive to research factor consisted of 6 indicators. 2. The model of the competency factor indicators for Thai engineering graduates in innovation found that the model fit the empirical data. 3. The model of competency factor indicators for engineering graduates in innovation indicated invariance of model form had invariance between groups of low and high level of innovation work experience. The comparison of the chi-square value of a base line model with an observed model showed that the model had invariance between groups of low and high level of innovation work experience.




How to Cite

Teabrat, M., Hongsiriwat, A., Vadhanasindhu, P., & Sinthupinyo, S. (2019). Development Indicator Factors of Thai Engineering Graduates in Innovation: Testing Measurement Invariance by Low and High Level of Innovation Work Experience. Asian Interdisciplinary and Sustainability Review, 8(2), 23–32. retrieved from