Khairat Death Fund, Islamic Microfinance, Wakalah, Murabahah, ThailandAbstract
The khairat death fund is vital in easing the financial burden on families of the deceased and ensuring proper handling of their affairs. However, there is little research on converting the khairat death fund into an Islamic microfinance institution. This study investigates the fund's background and practices and proposes a management model that aligns with community-based financial institutions and Islamic microfinance standards. Through qualitative methods of in-depth interviews with seven head officials of the death khairat money in Yaha subdistrict, Yala, Thailand, the study reveals that the fund originated to mobilize community support during member deaths. The fund is managed by a committee with clear rules to ensure equal service to members. The study identifies the potential for five Khairat Death Funds to be established as Islamic microfinance systems based on Wakalah and Murabahah principles, contributing to the fund's evolution into a significant financial instrument in the future.
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