Designing Classroom Learning Activity by Implementing a Formative Assessment Process for Primary School Students
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Appropriate learning activities must be designed and conducted together with an assessment
process. Therefore, this research aimed to design the classroom learning activities by implementing
a formative assessment process for primary school students and to investigate the effectiveness
of classroom learning activities developed by the researcher. The outcomes were considered from
the understanding of teachers in designing activities, the results of analytical review of teaching
and learning behaviors, the interaction in a classroom between teacher and students, students and
students, and the learning outcomes from students who participated in the learning activities. The
target group consisted of 5 teachers and 14 grade-one students from Ban Kokaew School and 8
teachers and 21 grade-four students from Ban Du School, Surin Province. The research instruments
included the assessment of understanding in designing activities form, the classroom behavior
analysis form for assessing the target behaviour from video recording, and the interview form. Data
analyses were done by using means and standard deviations. The qualitative data were analyzed
by means of content analysis.
Results were as follows:
1. The classroom learning activities which integrated with formative assessment composed of six
steps; 1) setting learning goals, 2) setting learning success criteria, 3) performing the activities and
finding/considering the learning outcome evidence, 4) assessing the learning outcomes, 5) providing
learning feedback, and 6) summarizing the learning outcomes.
2.The designing of classroom learning activities comprised sevenprinciples; 1) initiating
interesting problem, motivating curiosity, and searching for answer, 2) performing tasks by themselves
and brainstorming with the group, 3) creating and mutually contributing to the projects, 4) liking
to real-life situation and utilizing local medium, 5) integrating the subject contents, 6) relating to
brain functions, and 7) active learning activities.
3.The developed classroom learning activities consisted of eight modules (24 subjects) for
grade one and four students were suitable to be used.
4. The outcomes of the developed classroom learning activities brought about dynamic classrooms
and mutual learning. These changes improved teachers’ teaching and students’ learning behaviors.
Furthermore, the classroom interaction between teacher and students and among students groups
were also enhanced as well as students’ academic achievement. In addition students, teachers,
parents, and school principal have more positive attitudes toward learning activities.
Article Details
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