Effect of Positive Content in Anti-smoking Campaign on Intermediate and Long-term Memory among Undergraduate Students: An Event-related Potential Study

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ชูชาติ ศิริปัญจนะ
สุชาดา กรเพชรปาณี
ศราวิน เทพสถิตย์ภรณ์


          The purposes of the research were to analyze the types of positive content found in anti-smoking campaign, to design a recognition task for the positive contents in anti-smoking campaign, and to compare the effects of positive content in anti-smoking campaigns on intermediate and long-term memory with recognition tasks and Event Related Potentials. The samples were 60 undergraduate students (42 males and 18 females) aged 19-24 years old from Burapha University. The data were analyzed by using One-way ANOVA Repeated Measures

          The result of the recognition task by percentage of correct in intermediate-term memory showed that the samples performed significantly (p< .05) better in Joy content than Love and Contentment contents, The results of ERPs showed that P300 Amplitude of Joy content was significantly (p< .05) lower than Contentment content in Frontal area, Central area, Temporal area, Parietal area, and Occipital area. It was concluded that the memorizing in Joy content was better than Contentment content. P300 Amplitude of Love content was significantly (p< .05) lower than Contentment content in Occipital area. It was concluded that the memorizing in Love content was better than Contentment content. The results of recognition task in long-term memory, measured by percentage of correct, corresponded to the results in intermediate-term memory. The result showed that the samples performed significantly (p< .05) better in Joy content than Love and Contentment contents. From all conclusions, these findings indicate that Joy content in anti-smoking campaign affect the memorizing of the audiences than Love and Contentment contents

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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