Estimating Amount of Solid Waste using Ratio Estimator of Population Mean under Maximum and Minimum Values

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ชลิดา ตระกูลสุนทร
สุชาดา กรเพชรปาณี
ประหยัด แสงงาม


          The purposes of this research were: 1) propose the ratio estimator of population mean under maximum and minimum values ; 2) to compare the efficiency (MSE and PRE) of the propose ratio estimator with simple population mean estimator , classical ratio estimator , population mean under maximum and minimum values and ratio estimator of Subramani and Kumarapandiyan ( ) using the simulation with 60 situations by simple random sampling without replacement (SRSWOR) and 3) to estimate the yearly average amount of solid waste from Bangkok Metropolitan Administration in year 2019 using the propose ratio estimator. The accuracy under mean percent relative error (MPRE) have to lesser or equally in 10%

          The results were as follows:

          1) The ratio estimator of population mean under maximum and minimum values was more efficient than other estimators in every situations and more effective when the correlation and sample size are increased.

  1. The propose ratio estimator was acceptable for estimate the yearly average amount of solid waste from Bangkok Metropolitan Administration in year 2019 since the mean percent relative error (MPRE) was 2.95 % and the yearly average amount of solid waste 3,924,107.28 tons per year.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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