Development of an Assessment Criteria of Quality Management for Credit Union Cooperative

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บัณฑิตพงษ์ ศรีอำนวย


          The objectives of this research were: 1) to develop criteria for assessing the quality management of credit union cooperatives using e-Delphi procedure involving twenty experts; 2) to develop an online quality management assessment program of PHP programming language; and  3) to compare the quality management level between fifteen large-sized cooperative with those of fifteen medium and small-sized cooperative. Data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney U Test.  

          The results were as follows:

  1. The developed criteria for assessing quality management of credit union cooperatives consisted of six components with 25 indicators. Those were: 1) financial component (5 indicators); 2) risk management component (4 indicators); 3) learning and development components (3 indicators); 4) members participant components (3 indicators); 5) leadership of organization component (5 indicators); and 6) cooperative management component (5 indicators). Assessing quality management was categorized into four levels from improvement to very good.

  2. The developed online program for assessing the quality management of credit union cooperatives was accepted.

  3. The comparison of quality management of credit union cooperatives using the developed assessment criteria between quality management of large-sized cooperatives and quality management of medium and small-sized cooperatives was found to be statistically significant at the .01 level.

          The results confirmed that the developed criteria are suitable for assessing quality management of credit union cooperatives.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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