Development of the Affective Digitized Bank System in Thai Society

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ธนปพน ภูสุวรรณ
เสรี ชัดแช้ม
ศราวิน เทพสถิตย์ภรณ์


          Sounds are important stimuli for transferring meaning, understanding of situations, or better interpretation of events. Therefore, it can be concluded that sounds are stimuli which convey human emotion. The objectives of this research were to analyze the affective digital sounds in context of Thai society; and to assess the quality of the affective sounds in terms of content validity, discrimination index, mean and standard deviation of each sounds. The reliability of Thai sounds composed of three emotional domains, i.e. valence, arousal, and dominance. Additionally, the computerized affective sound bank system in Thai context was developed. The research sample was 400 Thai volunteers with normal hearing who lived in Thailand and aged between 18 and 60, with regardless of gender, educational level, and marital status. They were derived by convenient sampling. The Self-Assessment Manikin Scale were employed in the study, and t-tests were used to analyze the data.

          The research results were:

  1. There were 657 Thai affective digitized sounds in Thai society context, compiled and passed the consideration of the 6 experts.

  2. There were a total of 594 Thai affective sounds were validated. These sounds were classified into three emotional dimensions: 1) 170 valence sounds (45 pleasant, 63 neutral, and 61 unpleasant), 2) 212 arousal sounds (148 exciting, 46 neutral, and 18 calm), and 3) 212 dominance words (37 afraid, 85 neutral, and 90 unafraid).

  3. Regarding the development of the Thai affective digitized sound bank system, it was produced as an online web application. Quality testing of the bank was assessed by computer experts and users and judged to be of a good standard.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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