Designing River Tourism Activities along The Bangpakong River
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The research aimed to 1) Assess the potential of tourism activities along the Bangpakong River, 2) Develop the existing tourism activities, 3) Design new tourism activities, and 4) Create tourism activities plan along the Bangpakong River for the entire year. The research tools contain with 1) Tourism activities survey, 2) In-depth interview, 3) Tourism activities along the Bangpakong River assessment form, and 4) Tourist questionnaires. Developed and designed were implementing the design thinking process. The samples for the research were composed of 20 tourism location executives participating in the in-depth interview, 5 experts assessing the potential of tourism activities, 20 stakeholders brainstorming, 6 experts assessing the tourism activities prototypes, and 60 tourists providing tourism experiences and examining tourism activities. Content analyses, percentage and SWOT analysis were used to analyses the data. The result found that:
- Tourism activities along the Bangpakong River had the potential was in a middle level. MuangChachoengsao district had the highest potential. The potential was in a high level. The highest potential tourism activity was TaladBanmaiMuangPaedriw community tourism activity.
- In developing the existing tourism activities in the area of MuangChachoengsao district, cruising tourism activities could be enhanced to connect local tourist attractions and religious places in MuangChachoengsao district. The tourism activities could be develop the community’s way of living as well as its art and culture.
- In designing tourism activities in Bangpakong district, the events could be designed as activities on a bicycle route for community tourism, tourism activities following the community’s way of living, and the CSR tourism activities.
- The Bangpakong River could be developed and designed to provide tourism activities in combination with local traditional festival to attract tourists for the entire year.
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