Logistics Network Design for Tourism at Bangpakong Riverside

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Virasit Piticharoenporn
Poliny Ung
Poonpong Suksawang


This research aimed to analyze and design the logistics network for tourism along the Bang Pakong riverside. A mixed-method design was used with the research involving two phases. In the first phrase, the analysis of the logistics network used content analysis, a survey, and the focus-group technique. In the second phrase, the design of the logistics network used the systems development life cycle method as seen in the waterfall model by Arc Gis v.10.5 program. The quality evaluation of the logistics network for tourism was based on suitability and satisfaction possibility assessments.

         The results indicated that:

  1. The logistics network components for tourism consisted of 13 components with 77 indicators.

  2. The principles for designing the logistics network for tourism (WIN-4CS) included eight points - the well-known tourism attractions, the identity preservation of tourism attractions, the availability of tourism network, travel convenience, community engagement, the distance (time) between tourism attractions, the availability of tourism logistics components, and the standard of upkeep of the attractions.

  3. The logistics network for tourism along the Bang Pakong riverside consisted of six logistics networks. The logistics network for tourism in one-day trips consisted of three networks, and the logistics network for tourism in two-day trips consisted of three networks.

            4. The quality evaluation of the logistics network for tourism along the riverside showed that all six routes had high suitability, and a high possibility of satisfaction.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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