Reflective Teaching of Mathematics Course in the Context of Muslim Quota Classroom at Demonstration School Prince of Songkla University

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Afifi Lateh


This research article aims to reflect teaching of mathematics courses in the context of Muslim quota classroom at Demonstration school, Prince of Songkla University. The target groups were 38 and 39 Mattayomsuksa 5 students in the academic year 2017-2018 with offering through the reflection cycle according to Gibbs’s (1988) guidelines. The results of the learning management which were carried out in 3 parts, namely polling, survey and basic data analysis,

it made students understood the steps or operated procedures for making polls, survey, or various descriptive statistics in the analysis of initial data as well, it also made students relaxed in learning and have had actually worked until to create infographics and to present poll results and survey results as well. The instructor analyzed that learning management in the past two years saw a variety in determining the topic of polling or survey, meanwhile the student could present topics that were area issues, such as vaccine, terrorism, Nikah (marriage) issues in school age or survey of opinions on policy issues of Green and Clean Campus, donations, or prayers, etc. However, the instructor found some problems in learning management such as problems in group work, workload of students which were offered solutions to group work problems by adding a single work option or a pair of jobs in order to be proud of their work or could do on different points of interest. As for the workload problems in other courses might had to propose to determine together or reduced excessive workloads in some courses so that students could perform in other courses equally. The instructor has planned that it will continue to perform in the above format, but could adjust the problem that reflect a weakness in the teaching process in the past two years, and think that the mathematics instructor should be able to perform in the above or similar ways to make the students have a positive attitude in mathematics, and students can also make polls or explore another ideas, leading to presentations with infographic that can communicate clearly to recipients.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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