Influence of Public Relations Media Patterns of Office of Provincial Nakhon Ratchasima Civil Rights Protection Legal Aid and Legal Execution (Phimai Branch) Affecting the People’s Attitudes

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อรสา สายมนตรี
สุธานันธ์ โพธิ์ชาธาร


There were three objectives for this research to identify the patterns in public relations media that affect people’s attitudes; to investigate people’s attitudes towards the publication, and to find out how the patterns influence public relations media and people’s attitudes toward the Office of Provincial Civil Rights Protection Legal Aid in Nakhon Ratchasima and Legal Execution (Phimai branch). Target population of this research were 400 people selected from all who used services of the office. Accidental sampling method was used. The data gathering tool of this research was a set of questionnaires. The statistics used for the data analysis was descriptive statistics consisting of Frequency, Percentage, Mean, and Standard Deviation. It’ also used Inferential statistics and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The research findings were: Overall, the people’s opinion regarding the patterns of public relations media influencing their attitude was at the medium level. Considering each aspect, it was found that personal media was the most influenced pattern that affects the people’s attitude. The aspects of activity media, mass media, and new media were respectively lower. Secondly, the people’s attitude towards the publication was at the high level. Considering each aspect, Retaliation Behavior was the most influenced aspect that affects the attitude toward the publication. The aspect of feeling, knowledge, and comprehension were lower. Finally, the patterns of public relations media affecting people’s attitudes was statistically significant at 0.05 level; personal media ( = 0.368), activity media ( = 0.458), and new media ( = 0.145). 71.80 % of these patterns predicted the people’s attitude.

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How to Cite
สายมนตรี อ., & โพธิ์ชาธาร ส. (2017). Influence of Public Relations Media Patterns of Office of Provincial Nakhon Ratchasima Civil Rights Protection Legal Aid and Legal Execution (Phimai Branch) Affecting the People’s Attitudes. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 63–76. Retrieved from
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