Appropriate Tourism Factors for International Tourist : A Case Study of Kalasin Province

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ฟุ้งเกียรติ มหิพันธุ์
มยุรดา ประทุมรัตน์
กฤษณ์ ศรทัตต์


This research aims to study factors influencing international tourist decision making to visit Kalasin Province and appropriate methods to promote Kalasin tourism to international target tourists. Data collection was carried out by using both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The questionnaire was conducted with international tourists who visited Kalasin Province, totally 323 people and semi-structured interview was conducted with tour operators in Kalasin Province, totally 7 companies. The findings indicated factor influencing International tourist decision making to visit Kalasin Province was inexpensive cost of living. Furthermore, International tourist also satisfied in overall Kalasin tourism image especially very satisfied in tourism products and services and hospitalities of local people. In terms of appropriate methods to promote Kalasin tourism to international target tourists, Internet should be made to promote Kalasin tourism because it was a channel that international tourist recognized Kalasin Province and most effective media in their mind. Moreover, emphasizing marketing promotion to Norwegian tourist was advantage because the number of Norwegian tourist visited Thailand was increasing every year.

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How to Cite
มหิพันธุ์ ฟ., ประทุมรัตน์ ม., & ศรทัตต์ ก. (2016). Appropriate Tourism Factors for International Tourist : A Case Study of Kalasin Province. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 80–92. Retrieved from
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