Situations of Implementation in Non-Formal Education Based on Students’ Perceptions under Non-Formal Education and Informal Education Center in Chanpen Sub-District, Tao-ngoi District, Sakon Nakhon Province

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นฤพนธ์ ศรีปากดี
สุมาลี ศรีพุทธรินทร์


This study was aimed at studying and comparing situations of implementation in non-formal education based on students’ perceptions under non-formal education and informal education center in chanpen Sub-district, Tao-ngoi District, Sakon Nakhon Province classified by educational background and age. The samples were 111 preliminary students of non-formal education and informal education center in Chanpen Sub-district, Tao-ngoi District, Sakon Nakhon Province in academic year 2012; they were selected by Stratified Random Sampling. The instrument used in data collection was a five-rating scale questionnaire with the discrimination between 0.89 and 0.91, and the reliability was 0.91. The statistics employed in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation and f-test (One-way ANOVA).
          The results were found that overall situations of implementation in non-formal education based on students’ perceptions under non-formal education and informal education center in Chanpen Sub-district, Tao-ngoi District, Sakon Nakhon Province were at the high level. Considering in an individual aspect, it was found that the highest average was Participation, whereas the lowest ones were Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting. In comparison, overall situations of implementation in non-formal education based on students’ perceptions under non-formal education and informal education center in chanpen Sub-district classified by educational backgrounds: primary, junior secondary and senior secondary, were not different. In comparison, overall situations of implementation in non-formal education based on students’ perceptions under non-formal education and informal education center in Chanpen Sub-district classified by ages: lower than 35 year, between 35 - 45 year and 45 year and over, were statistically significant different at the 0.01 level. The result showed that the students who were 45 year and over had more perceptions than those who were lower than 35 year and 35 - 45 year.

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How to Cite
ศรีปากดี น., & ศรีพุทธรินทร์ ส. (2016). Situations of Implementation in Non-Formal Education Based on Students’ Perceptions under Non-Formal Education and Informal Education Center in Chanpen Sub-District, Tao-ngoi District, Sakon Nakhon Province. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 104–113. retrieved from
Research Articles


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