A Study of Relationship Between Satisfaction to Management with Efficiency in Working Performances of Employees Turnbull Designs Co.,Ltd. in Amphur Muang NakhonRatchasima Province

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กวินนาฏ นันทโกวัฒน์


The purposes of this research were to: 1) Study the employees’ satisfaction levels towards the business management of Turnbull Designs Co.,Ltd. 2) Study the efficiency of employees’ working performances levels. 3) To study the relationship between the satisfaction towards the business management and efficiency of employee’s working performances of Turnbull Designs Co.,Ltd. The sample was 99 employees at Turnbull Designs Co.,Ltd and use convenience sampling method. The instrument was a questionnaire. Statistical analysis was employed using mean, standard deviation and Pearson’s correlation. The findings were as follows: 1) The employees’ satisfaction level towards the business management of Turnbull Designs Co.,Ltd, was high level when it was viewed as a whole. The highest score of satisfaction was found on Commanding, ordered a second was Planning and the lowest score was found on Controlling. 2) The efficiency of employees’ working performances of Turnbull Design Co.,Ltd was high level. The highest score of the performance efficiency was found on correctness, ordered a second was a quick and the lowest score was the achievement. 3) The employees’ satisfaction towards the business management had significantly positive correlation to the efficiency of employees’ working performances of Turnbull Designs Co.,Ltd., at moderate level with the statistical significance level of 0.05.

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How to Cite
นันทโกวัฒน์ ก. (2016). A Study of Relationship Between Satisfaction to Management with Efficiency in Working Performances of Employees Turnbull Designs Co.,Ltd. in Amphur Muang NakhonRatchasima Province. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 123–133. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RMUTI_SS/article/view/193687
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