The Infulence of Organizational Culture on Service Quality of Hotel Industry

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บุษบงก์ ปิ่นเพ็ชร


This research aimed to study the influence of organizational culture on the quality service of the hotel industry. The populations were 231 chief executive officers of hotel on hotel management (ranking from 2 to 5). After sending, 153 questionaires were return, 66 % respond rate. Data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, and Multiple Regressions. As a result of hypothesis testing, found long term orientation, uncertainty avoidance, collectivism, and power distance collectivism, significance level at 0.01, as proxy of organizational culture affected on quality service while Masculinity did not affect. Coefficient of determination of the model were 69.70 percent (small adjR^{2} = 0.697)

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How to Cite
ปิ่นเพ็ชร บ. (2015). The Infulence of Organizational Culture on Service Quality of Hotel Industry. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2), 106–119. Retrieved from
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