Comparisons of Learning Achievement, and Reasoning Thinking of Mathayomsueksa 1 Entitled “Thai’s Public Duties” Between Role-play and Using 4 MAT Learning Activities

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แก้วใจ อ่อนสีทา


The purposes of this research were to : 1) to examine an efficiency of Role - Play and 4 MAT learning activities. 2) to examine an effectiveness index of Role - Play and using 4 MAT learning activities. 3) to compare learning achievement and reasoning Thinking of Mathayomsueksa 1 entitled “Thai’s public duties” of Role - play and using 4 MAT Learning Activities between before and after learning., and 4) to compare learning achievement and reasoning thinking of Mathayomsueksa 1 entitled “Thai’s public duties” between Role - Play and using 4 MAT learning activities. The sample used were 80 students of Mattayomsueksa 1 at Wangraseawittayakom school which learning entitled “Thai’s public duties” in academic year 2013. The tools used consisted of the lesson plan, learning achievement test, and Reasoning Thinking test. Statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test (Dependent Sample) and one way ANCOVA
          The results were as follow
               1) The effectiveness of learning activities of Role - Play and using 4 MAT learning activities of Mathayomsueksa 1 entitled “Thai’s public duties” were 87.35/88.63 and 85.85/86.44.
               2) The effectiveness indices of learning activities of Role - Play and using 4 MAT learning activities of Mathayomsueksa 1 entitled “Thai’s public duties” were 0.838 and 0.807.
               3) The learning achievement and reasoning Thinking of Role - Play and using 4 MAT learning activities after learning were higher than those of before learning at 0.01 level of significance.
               4) The learning achievement and reasoning thinking entitled “Thai’s public duties” of Role - Play were higher than using 4 MAT learning activities at 0.05 level of significance.

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How to Cite
อ่อนสีทา แ. (2015). Comparisons of Learning Achievement, and Reasoning Thinking of Mathayomsueksa 1 Entitled “Thai’s Public Duties” Between Role-play and Using 4 MAT Learning Activities. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), 11–20. retrieved from
Research Articles


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