Knowledge in Vegetables Safety Factors Management of Famers : Saluang - Keelek, Maerim District, Chiangmai Province

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สามารถ ใจเตี้ย


The purposes of this study were to investigate the knowledge in vegetables safety factors management and develop guideline at Saluang - Keelek community, Maerim district, Chiangmai province. The sample was 258 famers. Quantitative data were collected using questionnaire, indept interview and stakeholder group operational seminar. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, multiple regression and content analysis. The results found that knowledge of harvest and water management were good (56.97% and 51.16%) and agricultural residue management were of low level (73.64%). The relationship between knowledge of pesticide-free vegetables factors management, age and Land tenure for agriculture had a relationship at the 0.05 significant levels (p - value 0.021, 0.046, respectively). In part of guideline to pesticide-free vegetables product must provide body of knowledge, provide experience exchange activities and community rules on the concept of agroecosystem.

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How to Cite
ใจเตี้ย ส. (2019). Knowledge in Vegetables Safety Factors Management of Famers : Saluang - Keelek, Maerim District, Chiangmai Province. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), 59–66. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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