The Potential for Ecotourism in National Parks, Chaiyaphum

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ฐิติรดา เปรมปรี


The research “the potential for ecotourism in the national parks, Chaiyaphum“ had two main objectives: 1) to evaluate the satisfaction of the tourists to ecotourism in the national parks, Chaiyaphum province, Tatton National Park And Phu Lan Kha National Park 2) to propose revenue generation and resource management, ecotourism management in relation to the potential ecotourism in the national parks, Chaiyaphum.
          Population and sample used in this study were a quantitative study of agency officials or tourists to travel or engage in any business matters in the national parks, Chaiyaphum. By calculating the statistics of tourists into the Tatton Natioal Park and Phu Lan Kha Natioal Park, FY 2555 (National Bureau, 2555) used the sample size formula of Taro Yamane (Yamane, 1967 cited in Puangrat, 2540) of 400 men in qualitative study using purposive sampling (Purposive Sampling) recruited from the local data as well (Key Informants) 15 people.
          Tools quantitative questionnaire (Bunchom, 2545) qualitative study (Qualitative Research) using in-depth interviews (In-depth Interview) found that the majority of the budget shortfall developed national parks. Lack of awareness towards maintaining ecological tourist area of interest has been the knowledge of ecological
conservation. After the season, it found that garbage and sewage problems that the tourists left the staff and resources of the National Parks affected. It should improve the management of human resources and natural resources concurrently. The recommendations offered the ways to create income, ecotourism management in relation to the potential of ecotourism in the national parks. Chaiyaphum National park authorities should arrange a meeting to get the opinions of all stakeholders, including representatives of the National Park, agents who were trading in the park, and travel agents had the opportunity to share ideas and offered solutions to meet the needs of all parties. When could satisfy the needs of each party would make incomes to the community.

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How to Cite
เปรมปรี ฐ. (2015). The Potential for Ecotourism in National Parks, Chaiyaphum. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), 118–130. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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