Social Behavior : The Dark of Emotion is Aggression Not Aggressing to Aggression

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กรัยสรญ์ ขันทจร
สุภัทริภา ขันทจร


Aggression is the dark side of human’s emotion. Human beings are often compared to animal when aggression has been done unreasonably to harm themselves or other. Aggression is a result of many factors such as frustration, copying model behavior and aggressive situation. If we want to decrease aggression obviously, we have to realize the cause of aggressive behavior and know how to control emotion consciously. Controlling emotion, known as “Sati” in Thai word, is meant to consciousness. People can control aggressive behavior with consciousness. So we carefully consider how we feel and the result of aggressive behavior, it can be stopped. The drive of aggression is powerful and violent so we can change this drive to other side. We must remember emotion when we angry and want to force other person. Then we keep this feeling and change it to eradicate nervousness. Some people feel nervous when they have to speak in public. They should take feeling of aggression to terminate nervousness. This is how to use aggression to the good action and creative way.

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How to Cite
ขันทจร ก., & ขันทจร ส. (2015). Social Behavior : The Dark of Emotion is Aggression Not Aggressing to Aggression. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), 131–138. retrieved from
Research Articles


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