The Study of Achievement of Student Centered Learning Model in Seminar in Multimedia in Mass Communication of the 4th year students of Multimedia Technology Department, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture : Rajamangala University of Technology Issan

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พวงผกา วรรธนะปกรณ์
โสภณ ผลประพฤติ


Research this purpose (1) To study the learning achievement of Study in grade 4 step in Multimedia of Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Issan. (2) To study the students’ opinions on the teaching that focus on learners, in the class of Seminar in Multimedia in Mass Communication. The population are 4th year students majoring Multimedia Technology, faculty of Engineering and Architecture. The students register
the subject of Seminar In Multimedia in Mass Communication in the 1st semester of the academic year 2010. The total number of the population is 27. The Test and questionnaire, statistical analysis, percentage, mean and standard deviation. 
          The results shown that, the achievement by mean of learning on Student Centered Model In Seminar in Multimedia in Mass Communication, Rajamangala University of Technology Issan, it was found that the achievement of the Rajamangala University of Technology Issan. The students total eleven were in the good level. The total of twelve population were in the fair level and the total of two were in the improved level. Students opinion on teaching Student Centered overall and all items were in the high level and students attitudes towards the teaching of Student Centered teaching Seminar in Multimedia in Mass Communication. Overall and every rule in high level

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How to Cite
วรรธนะปกรณ์ พ., & ผลประพฤติ โ. (2014). The Study of Achievement of Student Centered Learning Model in Seminar in Multimedia in Mass Communication of the 4th year students of Multimedia Technology Department, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture : Rajamangala University of Technology Issan. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(1), 66–72. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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