Service Quality and Expectation of Insured of Social Security Office, Ubon Ratchathani

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พัชรินทร์ สาตราคม
นลินี ทองประเสริฐ


This research aimed 1. To study the quality of service 2. To compare the service quality of the Social Security Office of Ubon Ratchathani 3. To explore the expectations of the insured towards the Social Security Office under study. This research examines the mixed. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The samples used in this study include the insured’s social security Ubon Ratchathani, obtained by a systematic random sampling. Using a questionnaire and interview.
          The research findings were as the follows :
          1. The service quality of the Social Security Office in the study was good. 
          2. Concerning a comparison of the service quality, it was found that the insured who had a different age viewed the service quality in terms of creating a confidence for the recipients differently with a statistical significance of .05. The insured who had a different educational level viewed that the quality in terms of understanding the service recipients was different with a statistical significance of .05. The insured who had a different marital status viewed that the service quality in response to the service recipients’ needs was different with a statistical significance of .05.
          3. The expectations of the insured, the following were found: The Social Security Office should assure the service recipient by strictly observing a standard order, rules and regulations; the service recipients should be given a priority; publicity should be made for the public members regarding their rights; the insured held expectations that the office in question would try its best to respond to the public demand by sufficiently increasing the number of the officials for the task to be discharged; the officials in charge should do their work with enthusiasm; there should be a suggestion box for the public to express their opinions.

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How to Cite
สาตราคม พ., & ทองประเสริฐ น. (2014). Service Quality and Expectation of Insured of Social Security Office, Ubon Ratchathani. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(1), 73–83. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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