The Influence of Marketing Communication by Social Media Influencer on Purchasing Decision toward Cosmetic Products for Working Consumers

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Wasutida Nurittamont
Bordin Phayaphrom
Pathom Sawatmuang


The purpose of this research was to study the influence of communication marketing by social media influencer on purchasing decision toward cosmetic products of working consumers. The questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data from 400 working women who experienced in purchase brand name cosmetics in Bangkok and the Metropolitan region. Non-probability sampling as purposive sampling use for analyzing data by descriptive statistics include frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation-besides, the multiple regression analysis for a hypothesis test. The study found that communication marketing by social media influencer, including popularity, trust, information reliability, expertise, and presentation style influence the brand attitude of working consumers significantly at 0.01 level. Therefore, the testing mediator variable indicates that brand attitude as a mediator variable of the influence of communication marketing by social media influencer on purchasing decision toward cosmetic products of working consumers. The results of this study can be used as a guideline for cosmetic businesses to develop communication marketing channels on online social media and create branding to consumers’ acceptability, lead to creating the marketing strategies for competitive advantages.

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How to Cite
Nurittamont, W. ., Phayaphrom, B. ., & Sawatmuang, P. . (2020). The Influence of Marketing Communication by Social Media Influencer on Purchasing Decision toward Cosmetic Products for Working Consumers. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), 82–98. Retrieved from
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