A Study of Social Capital Change for Strengthening on Sustainable Community: Case Study Park Bang Moo Commuity Tambon NamDaeng Meang Distrist Chachoengsao Province
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This research aimed to study 1) the situations of social capital, 2) the factors affecting the social capital change for strengthening on sustainable community and, 3) guidelines of management for strengthening on sustainable community. The approaches of this research were mixed methods of quantitative and qualitative researches. The quantitative research was conducted by studying the sample of 192 respondents of the sample size determination with (Krejcie, R. V. and Morgan, D. W., 1970) and 12 key informants of purposive selection. Data collection tools included questionnaire and interviews. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regressions with stepwise method. The research found that: 1) the situations of social capital of Park Bang Moo Community Tambon NamDaeng, Meang District, Chachoengsao Province was at a high level (= 3.89, S.D. = 0.71) 2) the factors affecting the social capital change for strengthening on sustainable community that Natural resources and environment capital (
= 0.529**), Cultural and wisdom capitals (
= 0.385**), Institution capital (
= 0.255**) and human capital (
= 0.232**) contributed statistically and positively to the community strength at significant level of 0.01. These four factors were predictive the social capital change at 98.01 % (R2 = 0.9801) and, 3) guidelines of management for strengthening on sustainable community, in terms of human capital that leaders of community discuss problems collaborative thinking solutions to enhance quality of life in the community. Institution capital was grouping to provide advice and set policy for the co-existence of all people in the community to participate,especially in the field of traditional occupations self-sufficient, such as the village fund, cremation association fund, and cooperation group of rice mill community. Cultural and wisdom capitalswas the need of activities to relation of family that continually hold on Thai culture as Thai Songkran Festival that the descendants to keep respect of the ancestors. Natural resources and environment capital was management and joint conservation of natural resources. Establish a community volunteer group to maintain and clean water sources for consumption.
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