Healthy Food Consumption Behavior of the Elderly in Nong Khai Municipality
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The objectives of this research was to study the fundamental data of elders in Nong Khai Municipality and to study the relationship of elder population consist of sex age status education occupation income and habitat on healthy food consumption behavior. Chi-square statistic has been used to analyze with 99 % significant. The sampling data were collected by purposive sampling questionnaire from 398 volunteers, who are over 60 years old. The results showed most of the volunteers had healthy food as breakfast but the volunteers who graduated bachelor degree had healthy food as dinner and supper as well. Moreover, they tended to spend more money in healthy food than those who are under graduated. Furthermore, the domicile had relationship with frequency, time, and expenses of healthy food consumption. The results show that consumer live in Nai Muang, Phochai and Meechai habitat area had easier access to healthy food which affected the consumption frequency increase and
expense increase for healthy meals consumption.
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