Bankruptcy Chances of Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand in Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Comparison Between Manufacturing Industry and Service Industry

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Chutima Nakprasit
Jirayu Chaisuka
Preeyaporn Amma
Supattra Uta


This research aimed to compare the likelihood of bankruptcy of companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand in Covid-19 pandemic comparing between the manufacturing industry and the service industry through Altman’s EM-Score model. The sample group in this research consisted of 492 companies, collecting financial statements of the year 2020 affected by the Covid-19 virus epidemic. This study employed descriptive statistics to analyze the data. The results showed that during the Covid-19 epidemic situation, the overall average EM-Score of the two industries was 9.2361 meaning companies in both industries have no chance of bankruptcy. Analyzing data through four indices of the model, revealed that companies of manufacturing industry had higher scores than companies of service industry for all indices.

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How to Cite
Nakprasit, C., Chaisuka, J., Amma, P., & Uta, S. (2022). Bankruptcy Chances of Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand in Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Comparison Between Manufacturing Industry and Service Industry. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1), 41–52. Retrieved from
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