Quality of Management Accounting Information Affecting Decision Making Efficiency Leads to Business Success of SMEs in Bangkok

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Supapan Saithong-in


This study aimed to 1) analyze the quality of management accounting information that affects the decision-making efficiency of SMEs in Bangkok, and 2) analyze the decision-making efficiency that affects the business success of SMEs in Bangkok. The data was collected with the use of stratified sampling method from 153 executives in accounting division. Questionnaires were constructed as a tool to measure the data of the study. Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation analysis, simple regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that 1) the quality of management accounting information in the aspects of relevance and reliability had a significant positive effect on decision-making efficiency, and 2) decision-making efficiency had a significant positive effect on business success of SMEs in Bangkok. This information shows that if SMEs use quality of management accounting information as a decision-making tool, they will succeed. In addition, it is also the information for SMEs regulators to formulate policies or create activities to support the development of management accounting systems that can provide quality information for SMEs.

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How to Cite
Saithong-in, S. (2022). Quality of Management Accounting Information Affecting Decision Making Efficiency Leads to Business Success of SMEs in Bangkok. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1), 1–15. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RMUTI_SS/article/view/257253
Research Articles


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