Ergonomic Risk Assessment of Candle Making by Hand Among Candlemakers, Ubon Ratchathani Province

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Jaruporn Duangsri
Yanitha Paengprakhon
Chaiyakrit Yokphonchanachai
Comson Thongchai
Ratchanee Joomjee


This survey research aimed to assess the ergonomic risks of candle making by hand among candlemakers in Ubon Ratchathani Province using Strain Index (SI). The populations were 41 candlemakers who candle making by hand. Data were collected by the ergonomic risk
assessment Strain Index (SI). The data, including personal information and Strain Index (SI) in ergonomic risk assessment were analyzed by descriptive statistics, namely number and percentage. The results were found the samples were male candlemakers (80.49 %). Most of the work experience is 20 years. (29.27 %). Most of them aged 31 - 35 years old (21.95 %). Also, all of them were right-handed people (100 %). The result of pain assessment by interview form for musculoskeletal disorders (Standardized Nordic Questionnaire) 7 days ago revealed that the part of the body that is most affected by musculoskeletal pain among candlemakers is the wrists/hands (9 pain level or 100 %). The result of hand risk index assessment revealed that the SI risk score of making candles with both hands was greater than 7. It means that candle making is an unsafe task that can be dangerous. Moreover, there are a lot of ergonomic risks in the hands and wrists. Should be trained on safe working and the use of working aids
to reduce hand effort.

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How to Cite
Duangsri, J., Paengprakhon, Y., Yokphonchanachai, C., Thongchai, C., & Joomjee, R. (2022). Ergonomic Risk Assessment of Candle Making by Hand Among Candlemakers, Ubon Ratchathani Province. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1), 53–63. Retrieved from
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