The Important Factors Affecting Boutique Hotel Customers’ Behavioral Intentions
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This research aimed to study factors affecting the behavioral intentions of boutique hotel customers and the influence of important factors on those intentions. This research applied the quantitative method to collect data from 600 Thai boutique hotel customers. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including
percentage, mean, standard deviation, frequency, and inference statistics, including Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and structural equation modeling (SEM). According to the research results, the factors that have a statistically significant direct effect (b = 0.292, b= 0.527) on the behavioral intention of boutique hotel customers are customer experience and perceived value, which directly affect the statistically significant behavioral intent of boutique hotel customers. and e-marketing factors indirectly affect the behavioral intentions of boutique hotel customers, with the customer experience (b = 0.234) and perceived value (b = 0.277) as the intermediate variables. However, if the boutique hotel operator uses this research information in business operations, it will result in customers having a behavioral intention to repurchase the boutique hotel service. Support, recommendations, word of mouth, and repurchases are all examples. This will create a sustainable competitive advantage in the future.
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