The Relationship Between Work Passion and Job Performance of Employees in Manufacturing Industry Plants

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Prasittachai Dechkham
Supakhasri Srikongkaew
Suttisak Sawangsak


This research is a quantitative study using a survey method, with the objectives of 1) investigating the work passion of employees in manufacturing industry plants, 2) examining the efficiency of work among employees in manufacturing industry plants, and 3) investigating the relationship between employees' dedication and commitment to work and the performance effectiveness in the manufacturing industry 3) studying the relationship between gender, age, educational level, income, harmonious passion, and obsessive passion with the job performance of employees in the manufacturing industry. The researcher used a questionnaire to collect data from employees in manufacturing plants in the Bangkok metropolitan and suburban areas, with a total of 400 participants. The Stratified Random Sampling method was employed, dividing the sample by province. Subsequently, the distribution was based on the population proportions within each province, followed by purposive sampling, resulting in the retrieval of 400 questionnaires, representing a response rate of 100 percent. The research findings indicate that: 1) Overall, employees exhibit a high level of work passion, with both harmonious passion and obsessive passion being at the highest levels. 3) The job performance of employees is found to be at the highest level. 4) The statistical analysis reveals significant correlations between personal factors and work passion. In particular, harmonious passion and obsessive passion significantly impact the job performance of employees in manufacturing industry plants at a significance level of 0.05. However, personal factors do not have a significant impact on job performance. The industrial manufacturing factory can establish systems and mechanisms to promote dedication and work passion among employees. This can lead to increased productivity and effectiveness in the workplace, ultimately contributing to the factory's competitiveness and profitability.

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How to Cite
Dechkham, P., Srikongkaew, S., & Sawangsak, S. (2024). The Relationship Between Work Passion and Job Performance of Employees in Manufacturing Industry Plants. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 11(1), 31–39. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Prasittachai Dechkham, Faculty of Business and Technology, Lampang Inter-Tech College



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