Sustainable Marketing Activities Affecting Brand Image Among Eco-car Consumers in Bangkok

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Decha Phalalert


The goals of this study are to investigate the influence of sustainable marketing activities on brand image and consumer trust. The concepts of sustainable marketing activity, brand image, consumer satisfaction, and consumer trust are applied in this research. A total of 650 participants were collected using a stratified sampling method, with data collection conducted through online questionnaires. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, mean, percentages, standard deviation and inferential statistics using Structural Equation Model (SEM). Results from the structural equation model revealed that three perceived sustainable marketing activities (economic, environmental, and cultural) have a significant positive influence on brand image at level 0.01 with coefficient 0.5640, 0.2642 and 0.2071, respectively. Brand image has a significant impact on consumer satisfaction at level 0.01 with coefficient 0.8684. Additionally, consumer satisfaction has a significant positive influence on consumer trust at level 0.01 with coefficient 0.9363. From the research results, it can be seen that sustainable marketing activities are important for building a brand image that leads to consumer trust. Therefore, marketers can apply these research findings as marketing models to create a positive brand image for consumers and to maintain their trust in the brand over time.

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How to Cite
Phalalert, D. (2024). Sustainable Marketing Activities Affecting Brand Image Among Eco-car Consumers in Bangkok. RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 11(1), 64–82. Retrieved from
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