Causal Relationship of Variables Affecting the Metropolitan Police Service 4
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The purposes of this research were to study People' satisfaction to service of metropolitan police 4 and The influence of facilitation of contact, clarification of advice, behavior of police service, providing services transparently, using technology to develop services influences with public satisfaction. This study was conducted by applying mixed methodologies. Quantitative approach, questionnaire was used to collect data from 400 of people in Eastern Bangkok. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and path analysis. Qualitative approach, focus group, smartphone and field notes was conducted with 14 people in Eastern Bangkok. The results indicated that 1) Overall, people's satisfaction with the services of the Metropolitan Po lice 4 is at a moderate level (63.10 %). When considering each aspect, it is found that all 5 areas include facilitation of contact (56.44 %), clarification of advice (59.16 %), behavior of police service (59.80 %), providing services transparently (58.68 %), and using technology to develop services (55.72 %), Most people are satisfied at a moderate level. Behavior of police service had the most direct influences to public service and facilitation of contact had the most indirect and total influences to public service. And the results of the qualitative research, it was found that the important points were consistent with the quantitative results that the service behavior of officials had the greatest influence on people's satisfaction. Most people want officials to be polite, gentle and smiling and disclose information to the public.
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ข้อความที่ปรากฏในบทความแต่ละเรื่องในวารสารวิชาการเล่มนี้เป็นความคิดเห็นส่วนตัวของผู้เขียนแต่ละท่านไม่เกี่ยวข้องกับมหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลอีสานและคณาจารย์ท่านอื่นๆในมหาวิทยาลัยฯ แต่อย่างใด ความรับผิดชอบองค์ประกอบทั้งหมดของบทความแต่ละเรื่องเป็นของผู้เขียนแต่ละท่าน หากมีความผิดพลาดใดๆ ผู้เขียนแต่ละท่านจะรับผิดชอบบทความของตนเองแต่ผู้เดียว
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