Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy: A Shape of Chinese Democracy and Southeast Aisa

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นนท์ น้าประทานสุข
วินิจ ผาเจริญ
สุริยจรัส เตชะตันมีนสกุล
ศราภา ศุทรินทร์
อัคราชัย เสมมณี


After Tsai Ing-wen took office in 2016 until present, Taiwan’s foreign policy has heavily relied and implemented on the New Southbound Policy (NSP). This paper tried to answer the question that how Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy shaped Taiwan position in Southeast Asia. Documentary review, foreign policy, and soft power were conducted as a qualitative research methodology. Thus, the New Southbound Policy shaped Taiwan in jeopardized between Taiwan and China relations. However, it reconnected Southeast Asia people through Taiwan’s soft power. Also, it gained more sympathy and created an alliances which was favor democratic system and against China on social media and international relations as well. Therefore, the cross-strait relations no longer only two government conflict but also it pulled other countries more involved as well.

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