Internal Organization Communication Affecting the Efficiency of Academics’ Performance of Southeast Asia University

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Orasa Sapappong


This research aimed to study the factors of internal Organization Communication affecting the Efficiency of Academics’ Performance of Southeast Asia University. Analyze and propose development strategies of communication within the organization that affect the performance of faculty members. The research was conducted by interviewing and discussing 145 faculty members. The findings show that most of lecturer agreed with the formal and informal channel of communication in everyday working that effected knowledge, understanding, positive thinking, behavior, work attitudes, and morale. And internal communication affected the feeling, meeting and training about university’s goals or policies is a good and effective communication channel for understanding and enhancing work efficiency. In training or adjusting positive attitude, there should be a good communication channel and good knowledge about the organization and communicate in an open way to express freedom. Most faculty members comment that the participating process involved in providing feedback on performance and performance appraisal has a significant effect on performance.

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How to Cite
Sapappong, O. (2020). Internal Organization Communication Affecting the Efficiency of Academics’ Performance of Southeast Asia University. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok Social Science Journal, 9(2), 119–127. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Orasa Sapappong, South East Asia University

Human Resource Management, Administration, South East Asia University


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