Development of Vacuum Packaging for Fermented Green Mustard through the Need of Entrepreneurs and Consumers

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kittayachon tongtammasatit


           This study aims at developing vacuum packaging for fermented Green Mustard through the need of entrepreneurs and consumers by testing whether it is suitable for them or not. The study also considers the chemical quality of vacuum packaging for fermented Green Mustard through the mixing of systematical scientific and social methods. The research uses the instructed interview on the entrepreneurs and survey how consumers behave when buying the product. The study firstly finds that the entrepreneurs need to change and develop the packaging. Finally, it also finds that, according to the consumers, texture of the product is the most significantly preferable, followed orderly by taste, color, and smell.

            The results show that the entrepreneurs want to adjust and develop the packaging from the traditional rubber band packaging to vacuum bag packaging. Therefore, bringing pickled mustard greens products of entrepreneurs to test the chemical properties, It was found that the marinade has the pH of 3.30. The leafs have value of 3.83. They are natural acidity, color, flavor They are medium crispy, not soft and messy and no food additives. When comparing the chemical properties with the other 6 samples, they have similar chemical properties. But there are some differences in factors such as sweetness due to different flavoring ingredients of different manufacturers, For the survey of buying behavior of pickled mustard greens of consumers in Phanat Nikhom district. Chonburi province, 399 samples. The results found that there are female than male 25-40 years old, working as a private company employee and mainly run private businesses Most of them are buying pickled mustard greens, 48.87% of plastic bags and 30.58% of plastic bags in vacuum, with frequency of buying 1-2 times of pickled mustard greens per month  62.91 percent, which is boiled before eating  69.67 percent, and interested in the purchase of pickled mustard greens, packed in a vacuum bag 95.99 percent and the appropriate distribution price should be set at 25 baht per 500 grams weight, 63.41% and when developing the formula from the use of pickled mustard greens, according to the original production process, weight 500 grams and pickles according to formula 3, which has from the process of preparing the marinade by maintaining the pH value equal to 3 mixed with sugar (63.00 grams / 500 grams of water), stirring and boil at 70 degrees Celsius for 3 minutes. Dress the color with  food coloring, and sealed vacuum bags as needed, Then testing the acceptance of the characteristics, taste, texture, smell, color and overall liking. Found that 30 informants had the most liking on the texture, followed by the taste, overall liking, colors and scents respectively.

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How to Cite
tongtammasatit, kittayachon. (2020). Development of Vacuum Packaging for Fermented Green Mustard through the Need of Entrepreneurs and Consumers. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok Social Science Journal, 9(2), 11–20. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

kittayachon tongtammasatit, มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลตะวันออก

คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลตะวันออก


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