The Enhancement of Adolescent Students’ Emotional Control Through Psychological Activity Package

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Pennapha Koolnaphadol


The purposes of this study were to develope a Psychological Activity Package for

enhancing Emotional Control of adolescent students and study the effect of Psychological Activity Package to enhance Emotional Control of adolescent students. The subjects were Adolescent Students in Secondary School, Eastern Part of Thailand. The sample group included 60 subjects Adolescent Students in Secondary School.

The instruments were Emotion Control Test with reliability coefficient 0.98 and Psychological Activity Package for enhancing Emotion Control.

The results of the study were as follows;

  1. Psychological Activity Package for enhancing Emotion Control is consisted of three stages: the initial stage, the working stage and the ending stage. The counseling theories and techniques based on Psychological Theory and Psychological techniques were applied to enhance the Emotional Control of the adolescent students.

  2. Statistically significant differences in the total Emotional Control and each components of the Emotional Control in the experimental group which participated in the activity before and after experiment are at .05 level. The results of this study indicated that Psychological Activity Package was a key factor in increasing positive change in the Emotional Control of the adolescent students.

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How to Cite
Koolnaphadol, P. . . (2020). The Enhancement of Adolescent Students’ Emotional Control Through Psychological Activity Package. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok Social Science Journal, 9(2), 86–96. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Pennapha Koolnaphadol, Burapha University

Burapha University


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