Application of 7 Quality Control Tools and SWOT Analysis to Determine the Marketing Strategy: A Case Study of Construction Material Store
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This research aims to analyze and find out the root causes of sale revenue reduction problem and recommend the marketing strategies in order to increase the sale revenue and maintain the competitiveness of Chorchan Karn Chang store using 7QC tools and SWOT analysis techniques. The customer satisfaction survey base on 4P marketing mix result that was corrected from 19 regular customers who had reduced their services time in 2561 year revealed that the major causes of sale revenue reduction came from lack of sufficient sale channels, Improper sale price setting and long delivery time that unable to response the customer requirements. These root causes were used as input data to analyze business environment and determine marketing strategies. The recommend
marketing strategies consist of 1) Create Facebook page to be a new sale channel; 2) Enter new market of high technology products such as motor of sliding door product; 3) Create the brand recognition using the strength of high quality and after sale service; 4) Change price setting concept by considering the competitiveness; 5) Provide an adequate and multi-skill installation team to support the installation task for all products; 6) Reduce the price competing with modern trade selling products; 7) Emphasis the market of construction material purchasing control by house
owner that is the high-end users.
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