A Guideline to Successful Control of Standards in Aesthetic Clinics in Thailand

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Kornkanyaruk Boonsukkerd
Noparuj Saksiri


Currently there are problems with controlling the standards in aesthetic beauty clinics that are caused by beauty trends and operational difficulties. This research aimed to determine guidelines for successful control of standards in aesthetic beauty clinics. This research employed a mixed method in the data collection. The research tools used in this study were questionnaires, which were used with 141 participants, and semi-structured interviews with five key informants. The data were analyzed using statistical frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, multiple regression analysis classification, and content analysis.The results of the research revealed a number of reasons for the problematic conditions related to controlling standards. One reason is that the clinics emphasize financial returns more than the standards required by law. In terms of the management of the oversight of standards, resources are lacking to support operations. There is also a lack of policies covering standards as well as a lack of specific laws regulating standards. For the factors affecting the success of controlling standards in aesthetic clinics, the multiple correlation coefficient was at 0.636. These three variables can also explain the variation of 40.4% at the significance level of 0.01. From the research, the following is the suggested approach for successful control of standards in aesthetic beauty clinics. 1) In terms of management, there should be amendments to the law or
the establishment of rules for controlling standards clearly separated from medical clinics. There should be an adjustment in terms of making the responsibility or punishment up-to-date. There should be approaches or policies for the responsible departments to clearly control standards as well as the transmission of comprehensive guidelines for all departments. 2) In terms of protection, the consumers should be educated about the service selection. This includes educating the operators of the aesthetic beauty clinics in respect to the legal requirements and criteria. There should also be a relevant online audit system and a network of consumer protection in health services.

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How to Cite
Boonsukkerd, K. ., & Saksiri, N. . (2022). A Guideline to Successful Control of Standards in Aesthetic Clinics in Thailand. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok Social Science Journal, 11(1), 37–48. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/SocialJournal2rmutto/article/view/254902
Research Article
Author Biographies

Kornkanyaruk Boonsukkerd, Royal Police Cadet Academy

Criminology and Law Enforcement Faculty of Social Sciences

Noparuj Saksiri, Royal Police Cadet Academy

Criminology and Law Enforcement Faculty of Social Sciences


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