Development of Financial Health Model for Teachers According to Sufficiency Economy

Main Article Content

Amnuay pa-eye


This research aims to study and compare the financial health of teachers. Study and
compare the economic behavior of teachers. Analyze the relationship between financial health and
teacher economic behavior. And to predict the behavior of economic application of teachers. A total
of 1,078 samples were obtained by multi-stage sampling. The instrument used to collect data was
a questionnaire. Statistics used in data analysis include: Frequency, percentage, mean, standard
deviation Testing the value of One-way analysis of variance Correlation analysis and multiple level And the behavior of applying sufficiency economy. Very high 2) Teachers with gender, age, age,
education, and position are financially sound. There was a statistically significant difference at .05
level. not different 3) Teachers with different sex, age, education, and position had different behaviors
of sufficiency economy as a whole at the .05 level. The application of sufficiency economy as a whole
was no different. 4) The relationship between the financial health of teachers and the sufficiency
economy of teachers. There was a low level of correlation between the financial health of the
teachers and their relationship with sufficiency economy. (2) Debt conditions (3) Availability 5) Predict
the behavior of the sufficiency economy of the teacher = 2.994 + 0.139 (sex) + 0.075 (age) - 0.047
(affiliation) +0.206 (availability of supplies)
regression analysis. The research found that 1) The teacher is financially healthy. At the moderate

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How to Cite
pa-eye, A. . (2021). Development of Financial Health Model for Teachers According to Sufficiency Economy. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok Social Science Journal, 10(2), 110–121. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Amnuay pa-eye, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University

Faculty of Management Science


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