Using Jigsaw Listening Technique With Metacognitive Strategy Instruction To Solve The Listening Comprehension Problems Of Air Cadets: A Case Study Of The Second Year Air Cadets At Navaminda Kasatriyadhiraj Royal Air Force Academy
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The purposes of this research were 1) to study the effectiveness of learning activities and developing English listening comprehension by using Jigsaw listening technique with metacognitive strategy instruction lesson plans that meet the 70/70 criteria, 2) to study the effectiveness index of development of learning in English listening comprehension by using Jigsaw listening technique with metacognitive strategy instruction lesson plans, 3) to compare Air cadets’ improvement in listening comprehension skills between Jigsaw listening technique with metacognitive strategy instruction and conventional teaching method, and 4) to investigate Air cadets’ attitudes toward learning activities by using Jigsaw listening technique with metacognitive strategy instruction lesson plans. The sample group was 40 second year Air cadets enrolled in HU202 subject on the second semester, academic year 2021, Navamindha Kasattriyadhiraj Royal Air Force Academy, Royal Thai Air Force. All participants were selected based on their listening comprehension score from previous semester in HU201 subject that was under 70 percent. The instruments used in the study were 1) 15 lesson plans designed by using Jigsaw listening technique with metacognitive strategy instruction, 2) TOEIC Listening Comprehension Mock test 100 questions 3) a questionnaire used to survey the Air cadets’ opinions on the English listening comprehension by using Jigsaw listening technique with metacognitive strategy instruction lessons. The experimental process and data collection were 1) the subject completed the 100 Pre-TOEIC Listening Mock Test before the treatment through 15 lessons, 2) the lesson took 15 weeks of the second semester of academic year 2021, and 3) after all 15 lessons, the post-TOEIC Listening Mock Test and the questionnaire were administered. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test. The findings revealed that 1) the efficiency of learning activities and developing English listening comprehension by using Jigsaw listening technique with metacognitive strategy instruction lesson plans was 90.30/84.10 which met the criteria of 70/70, 2) the effectiveness index of lesson plans by using Jigsaw listening technique with metacognitive strategy instruction was 0.6154, this means that Air cadets had improved their listening comprehension skills with the accounted score of 60.42 percent, 3) listening achievement after using the 15 lesson plans was significantly higher than the conventional teaching listening comprehension lesson plans at the .05 level. 4) The Air cadets had positive opinions towards the lesson plans using Jigsaw listening technique with metacognitive strategy instruction with an average of 4.43. Learning through Jigsaw listening technique with metacognitive strategy instruction provided opportunities for learners to give a presentation creatively as well as to share their opinions within the jigsaw group.
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